Cold season is a GREAT time to experiment with home herbalism.


Cough plays an important role in clearing irritants and infections from the body, but persistent coughing can be annoying and can be frustrating. From sleeplessness to pain in the throat, coughs can really affect your day to day activities and disturb your activities.

We live in a culture where most of us want to just quickly move on from all the bad things in life-including our common illnesses, polluted environment and bad lifestyle. This affects our immune system.

Even worse, coughs are usually accompanied by cold and sometimes fever. A sore throat doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. But there is a one-stop solution to all your cough problems – Cough Syrups.

Since there a lot of cough syrup out there, you are spoilt for choice in choosing the best cough syrup. But before choosing a particular cough syrup, you ought to know about the different types of cough.

Coughs can be of two types – Dry cough and wet cough.

  • A dry cough is usually caused due to contact with irritants such as smoke, dust, etc. and it usually occurs after the cold is gone.
  • Wet cough occurs due to congestion in the chest and is usually accompanied by phlegm. Wet coughs are also called productive coughs. They produce phlegm or mucus that gets rid of the infection.

Top 5 cough syrups available in India which helps in treating both dry coughs as well as wet cough problems.

Benadryl Cough Syrup, Dauber Honitus Cough Syrup, Ascoril Cough Syrup, Cheston  Cough Syrup, Chericof  Syrup

Cough Sore Throat and Upset Stomach: Common Related Medical Concern. Why?

Why Dietitians advice to take natural home remedies to treat cough and many diseases compared to take the chemical substance because if you continue to take syrup it can damage your system because at last they contain substances. Some natural remedies may help to relieve a cough.

But you don’t know there are so many home remedies that can replace the cough syrup and get relief from cough easily and naturally. There are so many home remedies in our kitchen which can help to get rid of cough syrup and didn’t intake chemical product in your body.

  1. Honey and Thyme Herbal Cough Syrup: – Making this syrup is as easy as making a strong tea! You begin by boiling water with thyme for 30-45 minutes, or until the tea smells strongly and look green. Then you cool the tea until just warm, strain, and add in the honey, whisking well to combine.
  • Apple cider vinegar and honey for cough: – Honey is another centuries-old natural cough remedy. Honey has also antimicrobial qualities that have made it of interest for many medicinal uses, including soothing coughing in children.

To use: Mix 2 tablespoons of a high-quality apple cider vinegar with 1 tablespoon of raw honey into a tall glass of water. Drink up to two times per day for cough relief.

  • Apple cider vinegar and ginger for cough: – Ginger is another natural remedy used for coughs. Combining ginger with apple cider vinegar may make for a well used natural cough remedy.

To use: Combine 2 tablespoons of a high-quality apple cider vinegar and 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of ground gingerroot into one tall glass of water. Drink up to two times per day for relief.

  • Honey: – Honey soothes irritated mucous membrane and relieves dry cough. 
  • Pineapple:-Bromelain is an enzyme that comes from pineapples. Bromelain has anti-inflammatory properties.

Some people drink pineapple juice daily to reduce mucus in the throat and suppress coughing. However, there may not be enough bromelain in the juice to relieve symptoms. 

  • Ginger honey lemon- drinking ginger tea with honey and lemon relieves colds and flus 
  • Honey tea: – Honey being drizzled into spoon and into mug of tea with lemon slice. A popular home remedy for coughs is mixing honey with warm water. 
  • Lemon Juice- Lemon juice helps to loosen and clear phlegm. It also gives you a dose of immune boosting vitamin C. Use lemon as a cough remedy, you can mix it with your honey, make a lemon gargle (1/4 cup water plus 2 tablespoons lemon), or mix up a cup of warm honey sweetened lemonade.
  • Herbal Tea: – Hot herbal tea helps to ease congestion, keep you hydrated and soothe irritated tissues. Some of the best herbal teas for cough include: Ginger, Sage, Thyme, Rosemary, and Peppermint.

To make herbal tea, place one teaspoon of dried herb (or several slices of fresh ginger) in a mug and cover with one cup boiling water. Cover with a lid or plate to trap the steam and steep for about 10 minutes. Strain and add honey and lemon if desired.

Peppermint- Sucking on a peppermint candy or sipping a small amount of peppermint schnapps may also help calm a cough. Peppermint tea is another option. If cough is accompanied by sinus drainage and mild upset stomach due to sinus drainage, peppermint tea will also calm the stomach upset

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