Trial Package

About Trial Diet Plan

About Trial Diet Plan

This is a 2-week diet plan, fully customized for your body and nutritional requirements designed to help you feel a difference. You will have a consultation initially, where our dietitians and health experts understand your body parameters and mental status, lifestyle and food habits. The best part you’ll love is that you don’t have to portion control or give up on the foods you savour. We design a diet to include seasonal fruits and vegetables, and ingredients you can find easily in your local market and cook easily in your kitchen.

It’s just a slight switch over to healthy and nutritious choices. And believe us; you’re going to love this change!

Coming to the diet, based on the information we get from the consultation and counselling session, our best minds plan a diet plan you can follow for 2 weeks.

We follow you up and your Healthviser makes sure that you remain on an actively motivated mode.

Your Healthviser will not hesitate to go a step further to help you through the plan. You can upgrade to any of our weight management or disease management plans. At Healthviser, we’re there for you at all times!

“Don’t compare yourself to others. Compare yourself to the person yesterday.” – Motivational Quotes
Life is becoming a monotonous affair when we let it move without paying the right attention to ourselves.

And to add to our malady, the only thing that gets on our mind is the flab we’ve gathered while we lustily gloat on all the foods we just can’t help drooling over.

But, deep in our hearts, we desire to get back our healthy and slim version of the body. Some of us may even fantasize doing away with the wrong food habits and junk food cravings. But, things seem difficult when you do it alone. Time and again, we fail and this further enhances our gloom!

A Healthviser, we understand what is holding you back and what can move you closer towards your health goals. If it is hard for you to trust our word on your potential to achieve your target, then enrol with us in our trial package.

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