Whole30 Diet

In the past decade the awareness among people about various healthy related problems has increased. It is found that major health related issues have their roots in obesity. As a result, people are investing in themselves and trying to attain a healthy body so that they can lead a healthy and disease free life. Different diets have different purpose. Whole30 diet’s purpose is to help people understand and maintain a healthy relationship with the food they eat.

Whole30 as is indicated by its name is a 30 day diet plan where focus is on clean eating and cutting down on unhealthy foods. Though this diet helps to lose weight, the main aim of whole30 diet is not to lose weight but to help you understand your body and how the food you eat affects it. Avoiding certain foods for 30 days and then gradually reinstating them in your diet will help you decide which food works best for you. Some foods which are good for one person may not be that affective for others. Once this diet is completed you can decide what to include in your meals and what to avoid.

You have to say no to grains, dairy, sugar, legumes and alcohol.

Vegetables, fruits, natural fats, seafood, meat, eggs, oils, nut and seeds and herbs and spices are part of this diet pattern. It can be utterly difficult to follow this diet as you have to part ways with some of your favourite foods.

Various vegetables like cherry tomatoes, sweet potato, baby spinach, zucchini, asparagus, yams and celery root can be used to make whole30 friendly recipes. Keep on experimenting with these vegetables. You can even add eggs, avocado, spices and fresh herb so that you can eat healthy as well as satisfy your taste buds.

Fruits, in moderation, are allowed in this diet. You can make fruit juice part of your meals. If you buy packaged one then make sure that no added sugar is there. Never forget that you are trying to limit your sugar consumption during the 30 day.

Fish, shellfish and eggs are also a good option for people following whole30 diet. You can boil, fry or scramble eggs according to your preference.

To satisfy you hunger pangs you can snack on all nuts except peanuts. Keep them handy so that you can munch on them whenever you want.

Many oils are not part of this type of diet but olive oil and coconut oil can be used for cooking purposes. Even ghee, which is a type of clarified butter, is allowed.

Good news for all the coffee lovers is that they can have coffee while bad news is that they have to drink that without milk and sugar.

Most beans are not part of this diet but there are some exceptions like sugar snap peas, and snow peas.

Varieties of vinegar like apple cider, white, balsamic, red wine and rice are allowed in Whole30 program.

Foods to Avoid

  • Sugar, natural/artificial sweeteners – Honey, date syrup and all those items that contain added sugar.
  • Beans and legumes – Chickpeas, peas, peanuts and lentils. This also includes all forms of beans whether they are fava, black, pinto, red, kidney, white or lima.
  • Consumption of alcohol – Even small amount of alcohol is prohibited.
  • Grains – Millet, rice, corn, wheat, rye, barley and oats. Other cereals like quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat.
  • Soy – Tofu, soya sauce and other soy products.
  • Dairy products –Milk, cream, ice cream, cheese and yogurt. The only exception being ghee.
  • Processed additives – MSG, carrageenan and sulfites.
  • Junk food – avoid all kind of junk food like burger, noodles, etc.

Do not Cheat

  • What makes this diet different from other diets is that it does not stress on counting and measuring the calories which you are consuming. You do need to restrict yourself to a certain number of calories. During the duration of 30 days when you are following this diet your main focus should be on sticking   to your diet without any slip up.Consistency is very important in this diet. If you want this diet to work and see accurately how your body reacts in the absence of potentially problematic foods then you have to become consistent. You have to follow the diet no matter what. If you have a slice of pizza in between or a bite of burger then you will come back to square one. In this case, you should start over again from day 1.There are no cheat meal days in this diet program so prepare yourself beforehand for it. You cannot give in to your temptations even for a single day.

    You need to give full commitment to this diet program in order to see positive results. If there is no devotion and dedication then you won’t be able to see any results. This is not a diet plan for 2-3 months. It is just 30 days. Give these 30 days to your health and enjoy the benefits for your whole life.

    It can seem to be a daunting task. Take support from your family and friends. It is seen that people are more determined when they are following this diet with someone. If two or more people are on this diet then they can encourage each other during their moment of weakness. Ask your partner or your friends for being your companion in this thirty day journey and never shy away from asking for help. If you are alone then keep on motivating yourself. Don’t let your excuses be bigger than your health goals.


  • Do not give up to temptations. There will come a time when you will find quitting the diet much easier than following it. It is always difficult to change a habit. You just need to remind yourself that everything will be worth it. You should prepare your meal plan in advance. This will stop you from eating unhealthy food while on the diet. If followed properly, whole30 diet is very beneficial.This diet is not solely for the weight loss. You may feel the changes within your body while you are on this diet. The digestive system of your body will drastically improve. There are other benefits of this diet which are:
    • Gives glow to your skin and makes it flawless
    • Helpful in weight reduction
    • Boosts the energy level of the body
    • Improves the health conditions
    • Gives you better sleep
    • No more cravings
    • Improvement in chronic pain, anxiety and skin problems

    30 days is not a long time so have this experience. Complete the diet and then you will notice not only physical changes but changes within your body as well. Once you identify the problematic foods, which were earlier part of your diet, you can eliminate them and include those foods in your diet that are good for you.

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