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Treat Dandruff in Kitchen

The most embarrassing thing that could happen to you when you are sitting among colleagues or friends is an itchy scalp. Suppose you are in a very important meeting and you feel that you urgently need to scratch your scalp. What is worse is that this will be accompanied white flakes on your shoulder. Dandruff becomes all the more prominent if you are wearing black clothes.

Dandruff is a medical problem in which the scalp itches because of a fungus, Malassezia, which feeds on sebum (the oily matter secreted on our scalp) and the dead skin cells which occur naturally as the new skin forms. Malassezia thrive in moist environments and so it becomes a problem during summers and monsoons due to excessive humidity and sweating. But the cold wind during winters make the scalp dry resulting in itching and flaking.

This microbe is a normal part of the scalp but it cause problems when it feeds on sebum, breaking it down into fatty acids that may cause irritation in the scalp of many people. This leads to dryness and itchiness on the scalp, resulting in the accumulation of the dead skin cells into visible flakes. Whether you will develop acute or mild dandruff depends on how sensitive you are to fatty acids.

If you are looking for solution to your problem of dandruff then look no further. The cure of many problems lies in our kitchen and to seek cure for dandruff we will turn to kitchen.

Vinegar is easily available in the market and is helpful in treating itchy and dry scalp. It also helps in killing dandruff-causing fungus and bacteria. The acidic content of vinegar is extremely beneficial in reducing flakes. Mix equal amount of white vinegar with water and apply it on the scalp for about half an hour before having a head bath.


Aloe vera has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. It calms down an irritated scalp and provides relief from inflammation. Many people have aloe vera in their garden. Extract some aloe vera directly from the plant and apply it on the scalp and then washed off with a medicated anti-dandruff or mild shampoo.

Another homemade cure is Baking soda which has anti-fungal properties. It scrubs and exfoliates the scalp without irritating the scalp. Exfoliation makes sure that there are no flakes on the scalp that make dandruff even more visible. Baking soda also soothes the skin on the scalp and reduces redness and itching. It can be added directly to your shampoo.

Garlic is very important for the health. But do you know that it has medicinal value which is useful in curing dandruff? The strong smell of garlic clove may make it difficult to use on your scalp but it very beneficial. Garlic is immensely beneficial as it has anti-fungal properties. Crush one or two cloves of garlic and mix them with water. Use it on your scalp to see dramatic results

All of us are well aware of the role of neem extracts. Since childhood we are told how important neem is in curing various problems because of its antibacterial and antifungal qualities. Since dandruff can mostly be attributed to fungal colonization of scalp, it is only right to use neem to cure it. Be careful to use diluted version of neem (neem boiled in water) on your scalp as concentrated versions may irritate your skin further.

Use these cures and say good bye to dandruff

Bajra Moong Dal and Green Pea Khichdi

India is the largest producer of bajra or pearl millet in the world both in terms of area (9.3 million hectares) as well as production (8.3 million tons). It is grown in more than 30 countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America for household consumption as well as for trade.

In our country bajra is grown and consumed in abundance in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Apart from these two states it is grown in drier regions like in the state of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh and Haryana. It is also used as a fodder for cattle. Many people in our country feed bajra to birds.

Earlier city folks ignored this grain and chose other highly expensive foreign exported grains for maintain healthy weight. But now people are more interested in bajra as they are becoming aware of its multiple health benefits. It is a healthy grain but doctors suggest that bajra should be taken in moderation and one should avoid its consumption during summers as it can cause digestive problems.

Bajra is very healthy grain that is a gluten-free, rich in iron, protein, fibre, magnesium and phosphorous. High fibre content in bajra helps in controlling diabetes and losing weight. It also contains phytic acid, tannins and phenols. All these antioxidants help in preventing ageing and metabolic diseases such as heart disease, stroke and cancer.

Just like bajra moong daal has its own benefits. It contains fibre, protein, iron and calcium. This dal regulates blood pressure and helps in reducing cholesterol.

When both the healthy ingredients are combined to make bajra moong dal and green pea khichdi, the result is a nutritious and tasty recipe. This recipe is very easy to make.


  • 1/4 cup Bajra or millet
  • 1/4 cup Moong dal or whole green gram
  • 1/2 cup Green peas
  • 1 cup tomatoes (chopped)
  • 1/2 cup Onions (finely chopped)
  • 8 Garlic cloves or 1 tbsp garlic paste
  • 1 inch Ginger or ½ tbsp ginger paste
  • 1 tbsp oil
  • 1 Green chilli
  • 1 tsp Cumin seeds
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
  • 1 A pinch of asafoetida
  • 1/2 tsp garam masala
  • Salt to taste


• Soak bajra and moong dal separately for 4-5 hours.
• Put bajra, moong dal, green peas and salt with a cup of water in pressure cooker. Cook all these together for 5 whistles
• Add oil to a non-stick pan. Put cumin seeds when the oil heats up.
• Wait till the cumin seeds crackle and then add asafoetida
• Add onions and sauté it for a minute
• Add all the other ingredients and cook for 2-3 minutes on a medium flame
• Add the cooked bajra, moong dal and green peas. Add ¼ cup of water to this mixture
• Cook it for 2-3 minutes on medium flame while stirring it occasionally
• Add garam masala and serve this khichdi hot


FODMAP means fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols. These terms are used to categorize those fermentable carbs that exacerbate digestive problems like stomach ache, gas and bloating because they are not properly digested by the body especially by the small intestine. In some foods FODMAP are found naturally while in others they are added as additives.

The underlying principle behind this diet plan is giving the bowels a chance to heal. This is done by consuming low FODMAP diet. Unlike other diets low-FODMAP diet is not meant for everybody. This diet is specifically made for those adults who suffer from IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).  It is suggested that if you are not diagnosed with IBS then you should stay away from this diet. This is due to the fact that most FODMAPs are gut bacteria friendly and they support its growth but in people with IBS they cause bloating, gas and abdominal pain.

People having IBS should choose this diet if they show any gut symptoms and are not responding to any stress management strategies. This diet can prove to be difficult for some people so before adopting this diet do not forget to consult the dietitian for better guidance. They will make sure that you get the right amount of nutrients required by the body.

A low-FODMAP diet has three stages. In first stage, all the foods having high FODMAP are avoided. The duration of this stage is 2 to 6 weeks. As everybody is different their bodies will react differently to this diet. Some people who follow this diet may show early improvement as compared to others. The next stage is started as soon as digestive problems are alleviated. If there is no change within this time period then it may be that you are not sensitive to FODMAPS. Then you need to look for other therapies.

The next stage lasts for about 8 to 12 weeks. It involves introducing high FODMAPs again in your diet so as to identify the types of FODMAPs which you can tolerate. Further, it is determined to what extent can you tolerate certain FODMAP foods by introducing you to a specific food item for three consecutive days. Then you can gradually increase the portion so that you can see to what extent you can tolerate that food. While undertaking this stage, make sure that you are seeking the guidance of a well trained dietitian who can help you in every step. Keep on following your low FODMAP diet simultaneously while you are testing your tolerance.

It should be kept in mind that people with IBS have low tolerance to FODMAPs as compared to people who suffer from food allergies.

The third and final stage is also called modified low-FODMAP diet because here the type and amount of foods which are to be restricted or eliminated are according to your personal tolerance level. Here you will restrict the food items to which you were not tolerant in the second stage. Mark your progress throughout all the stages as it will bring balance, variety and flexibility in your diet.

Later on, with the help of these findings you can make your diet plan eliminating certain foods which don’t suit you. You can introduce food one at a time to see if you are sensitive to them or not. This process can take some time but it is worth it as it will help you identify which foods worsen your digestive symptoms.

Religiously following all the steps will help in improving your quality of life and your overall health.  It is recommended that you should avoid this diet if you are travelling or have a busy schedule because this diet requires full commitment and all the stages are very important as they will determine how successful this diet will be for you.

Foods with low FODMAP

Vegetables: Lettuces, tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant, carrot, spinach, cucumber, fennel, eggplant, broccoli, zucchini and capsicum.

Fruits: Strawberries, pineapple, papaya, bananas, grapes, oranges, lemon, blueberries and kiwi

Whole grains: Oats, brown rice, quinoa, maize, buckwheat and millet

Proteins: Chicken, tofu, fish, prawns, mutton, crab, lobster and eggs

Nuts and seeds: Pecans, chia, sesame, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, butter, peanuts and walnuts. While these nuts and seeds can be eaten in low FODMAP diet, their intake should be limited.

Oil: Olive oil and coconut oil

We never realize how the food we eat can result in various digestive problems. Eliminating a certain food from our diet can improve our health drastically .To include low FODMAP foods in your diet it becomes very important to know the difference between high and low FODMAP foods as both contain a large variety of foods. Following are the food items which are to be avoided if you are on low FODMAP diet. This knowledge comes handy when one goes for grocery shopping.

Vegetables: Garlic, onion, scallions, asparagus, beetroot, cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, mushrooms and beans.

Fruits: Mangoes, apples, watermelon, apricot, cherry, plum, avocados, blackberry, figs, prunes, peaches and dates.

Grains and cereals: wheat, legumes, beans, lentils, barley, semolina and rye.

Meats: Avoid all meats and fish that are prepared in onion and garlic sauces.

Nuts: Cashews, almonds and pistachios.

Dairy products: Milk, cheese, ice cream, pudding, custard and yogurt.


  • Helps in managing diarrhea and constipation
  • Improves Irritable Bowel Syndrome Symptoms
  • Helpful in relieving symptoms of eczema, rheumatoid arthritis and sclerosis
  • Alleviates digestive problems like bloating, bowel urgency, stomach pain and gas.
  • Increased quality of Life

Tips for Low FODMAP Diet

  • Make a list of low FODMAP foods and check their availability in your area
  • Get rid of high FODMAP foods so that you don’t get tempted
  • Prepare a grocery list in advance
  • This diet won’t be effective if you are under stress so try to relax
  • Make sure to cook your own food as often as possible
  • Make turmeric, pepper, chilies, fenugreek, basil, white rice vinegar, ginger, lemongrass, mustard seeds and saffron a part of your diet as they have low FODMAP

People who followed the low-FODMAP diet noticed drastic improvement in their digestive symptoms. However, one should not forget that this diet may show different results in different people. This diet consists of three stages so you may take up to six months to complete this diet program.  Follow this diet only if you are in dire need of it and if you can dedicate you time to diet. This diet can change the lives of people who have IBS.

Low carb Diet

In this fast paced life, people don’t even have time to cook a proper meal so they heavily depend on instant food and junk food. They prefer takeout food so that they can save their precious time. These unhealthy food habits have resulted in obesity among people which is the root cause of many health related problems. Many diet plans are introduced so as to help people reduce weight and lead a healthy life. Low carb diet is one such diet.

As most of you must have guessed, low carb diet means restricting the amount of carbohydrates and increasing the intake of protein and fat in your diet.

Carbohydrates are macronutrients that can be found in many foods and beverages. They are one of the sources of calories and are of two types: simple and complex. They are the main source of energy for the body. At the time of digestion, complex carbohydrates (starches) break down into simple sugar which is then absorbed into the bloodstream as blood sugar (glucose). Generally, natural complex carbohydrates take more time to digest and they don’t have much effect on blood sugar.

In low carb diet there is low consumption of sugar and starch because of which the blood sugar level is stabilized and the level of insulin drops in the body. Then the fat stored in the body is used for energy, resulting in weight loss.  As the insulin level drops the kidneys shed extra sodium and water. Therefore, it is advisable to drink more water while on this diet so as not to dehydrate yourself.

Natural carbohydrates are found in fruits, vegetables, grains, milk, seeds, nuts and legumes while refined carbohydrates are added to pasta, cake, cookies and white bread as sugar or white flour.

It is a widely believed misconception that if one reduces fat consumption in low carb diet then it will make the diet much healthier. In fact, it does just the opposite. As the intake of carbohydrates is reduced so fats should be increased so as to compensate for less carbs. If you do not consume fats in your diet then you will not get adequate nutrients and will feel hungry all the time. Just remember to stay away from trans fats and opt for healthy fats.

People follow this diet for different reasons. Many of them do it to lose weight. Others may follow it to change their way of eating. Whatever are your reasons to diet may be, remember to consult your doctor before starting this diet program especially if you have heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes or if you are currently breastfeeding. In the beginning of this diet you may face different temporary health issues like weakness in body, cramps in your muscles, headache, constipation or diarrhea because of sudden cut in carbohydrates. But don’t worry as the body takes some time to get accustomed to new routine. Everything will be normal within a week or two.

Parents need to pay special attention and note that this diet is not meant for preteens and high school students. This is due to the fact that low-carb diets may not provide necessary nutrients that their growing bodies need.


  • Reduces risk factors related to type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome.
  • Improves blood pressure and cardiovascular disease
  • Helps in losing weight
  • May alleviate your blood sugar levels
  • Lowers inflammation
  • Boosts metabolism as it is high in protein
  • Keeps the digestive problems away from you

Foods having low-carbs

Low carb diet includes protein rich foods like fish, eggs, poultry and meat and vegetables which don’t have starch content. Milk, tea and coffee (without sugar) and vegetables that grow above the ground like broccoli, bell pepper, asparagus, zucchini, cauliflower and lettuce are also part of this diet. Coconut oil and olive oil are low carb diet friendly so they can be used instead of any other oil.

Fruits like watermelon, cantaloupe, avocados, blackberries and pears are low in carbs. Therefore, they are a healthy option.

If you are following a low carb diet then avoid the intake of starchy vegetables and processed foods like rice, potatoes, beans, corn, beets, sweet potato, bread, pastry and pasta.  Also, stay away from chocolates, candies, banana, donut, sugar, sugar induced beverages and all those food items that contain saturated and trans fats. Low carb diet restricts some fruits, breads, legumes, grains and some nuts and seeds.

Oats and wheat contain high amount of carbohydrates so their consumption should be either limited or restricted.

In low-carb diet 20 to 60 grams of carbohydrates are allowed per day which provides 80 to 240 calories. There are many variations of this diet. The type and amount of carbohydrates you can take differs depending on the variety of low carb diet chosen by you and your personal preferences.  In some low-carb diets carbs are restricted during the initial period and then slowly their consumption is increased.

Healthy fats both monounsaturated and polyunsaturated and unprocessed carbs like legumes, whole grains, fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products are a good choice for people following low carb diet.

If you get hungry between meals and want to eat snacks then fruits like apple and strawberry, nuts, carrots and boiled eggs can be a good option for you.

Get rid of all those unhealthy foods that can tempt you. Give your chips, ice cream, juices, cereals and chocolates to your partner or friends or your next door neighbor. Just make sure that all these items are not in front of you to lure you. Keep a grocery list with you so that you don’t buy foods that are not part of low carb diet. You can also plan your meals in advance so that you don’t cheat on your meals.

Top of Form

Low carb diet can be good for weight loss but at the end of the day it depends on individual’s body. Some may take more time to lose weight than others. But one should not lose hope. Keep on motivating yourself to be the better version of yourself.

Dash Diet

Winters are that time of the year when everyone loves to indulge in hot desserts. This cold weather makes the body lethargic and you can end up putting on weight. You need to pull your socks up if you want to lose the excess weight. Various diets are in vogue to lose weight and lead a healthy life. One such diet is dash dirt.

DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is a diet aimed specifically at treating high blood pressure. This diet is capable of curing high blood pressure without any medication. It is so affective that one can notice visible difference in the BP within few weeks of starting this diet, reducing various health related risks.

In this diet it is advised to limit the amount of sodium consumption in your daily meals. Try to use less salt then what you would normally use in your cooking. Another way of reducing the use of sodium is to consume low sodium food. At first you may feel that the taste is different but give some time to your palate to adjust. This can prove to be a herculean task for many but once you master the art of including low sodium in your diet then it will be very beneficial for you in the long run.

Dash diet is of two types:

  • Standard DASH diet – Consumption of up to 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day is allowed.
  • Low Sodium DASH diet – Maximum level of consumption of sodium allowed per day is 1,500 mg.

Both these diets have a common aim of lowering the amount of sodium in the body.

The main focus of this diet is to give the body proper nutrients that can reduce the risk of blood pressure. It encourages the consumption of food rich in calcium, protein, fiber, potassium and magnesium. Vegetables, wide range of fruits, controlled amount of fish, nuts, poultry, legumes, low fat dairy products and whole grains are part of dash diet.

People who are following this diet need to keep their distance from fatty meats, whole milk butter, cheese, cream and eggs, along with food items prepared from palm and coconut oil as they contain saturated fats. Fat content can be kept low in grain by not adding cheese, butter or cream to it.

Keep on experimenting with your food and try to include as much fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible. You can increase or decrease the amount of fruits or vegetables as per your nutritional requirements of the day. Vegetables can be substituted in place of meat whenever necessary. You can munch on an apple or have other fruits to satisfy your hunger pangs. Fruits can also be eaten after having a meal. Don’t peel fruits like apple and pear as they contain fiber and many healthy nutrients. If you are on medication then certain fruits may react to that medication. In such scenarios it is advisable to consult the doctor.

People who are lactose intolerant can choose lactose free products or they can opt for other substitutes. To reduce the amount of calories in your diet try to bake, grill or roast instead of frying the food. If you are using bread then look for the one that has 100% whole grain or 100% whole wheat content.

It is widely believed that nuts have fat content but many people don’t know that they actually contain healthy fat- monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, eating nuts in moderation is actually good for you. Healthy fats are important for body as it absorbs essential vitamins and maintain body’s immune system. But be aware of using excess fat as it can increase your risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

The DASH diet tries to strike a healthy balance between body’s requirements and the food items consumed.

What to Eat?

Dash Diet consists of a healthy mix of fruits, veggies, fats and oils, grains, dairy products as well as legumes, seeds and nuts. In order to shed extra kilos proper diet needs to be followed. The following table shows the adequate amount of food intake for a person following dash diet.

Food Items


Grains (bread, rice, pasta and cereal)

6 – 8 per day

Vegetables (fiber and vitamin rich sweet potato, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes)

4 – 5 per day

Dairy (low fat or fat free cheese, yogurt, milk)

2 – 3 per day

Fruits (apple, pear, banana)

4 – 5 per day

Fats and oils

2 – 3 per day

Poultry, fish or lean meat

6 one ounce serving per day

Legumes, seeds and nuts (peanuts, almonds, beans, peas, lentils, sunflower seeds and pistachios)

4-5 per week


  • Besides lowering blood pressure, this diet prevents diabetes and osteoporosis
  • This diet is not specifically for weight loss but still it helps in shedding extra kilos.
  • This diet is rich in antioxidants which are believed to prevent or slow down the development of several chronic health problems, such as cancer, heart disease and stroke.
  • Legumes, seeds and nuts are good source of fiber, phytochemicals and other important nutrients which can prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Foods to Avoid

  • Avoid consumption of alcohol as too much alcohol can increase BP.
  • Limit the intake of carbonated drinks, sweets and red meat.
  • Processed food has high amount of sodium content. Therefore, try to avoid it as much as you can.
  • Stay away from ready-to-eat cereals, low-fat soups and canned vegetables or look for the one with low or no salt content.
  • Avoid foods that are high in trans fat, cholesterol and saturated fat.

Methods to cut back on sodium

Low sodium foods are the basis of Dash diet. So it becomes necessary to reduce the consumption of sodium. One method is to lower the amount of sodium in your meals. Other methods include:

  • Replacing sodium-free spices with salt
  • No additional use of salt while cooking rice, hot cereal or pasta
  • Rinsing canned foods to remove some of the sodium
  • Boycotting processed foods having high sodium content


It is not easy to change the bad eating habits which we have acquired over the years. One cannot change one’s habits in a day. Even our body needs time to get accustomed to the changes. Try to gradually increase the intake of veggies and fruits in your diet. If you are having fruits and vegetables once or twice a day then try to increase it to three to four times a day by including it in your lunch and dinner.

Similarly, gradually increase the intake of grains and other foods. Sudden increase of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the diet can result in bloating or diarrhea that may occur if you are not accustomed to eating a diet with lots of fiber. The amount of food intake will also depend on whether the person dieting is a man or woman, their age, and how physically active they are.

Keep one thing mind that healthy eating habits are inculcated over time. One cannot achieve a healthy body in a day. It is a work in progress. What matters is that you include healthy foods in your diet and follow the diet religiously.

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