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Dash Diet

Winters are that time of the year when everyone loves to indulge in hot desserts. This cold weather makes the body lethargic and you can end up putting on weight. You need to pull your socks up if you want to lose the excess weight. Various diets are in vogue to lose weight and lead a healthy life. One such diet is dash dirt.

DASH or Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension is a diet aimed specifically at treating high blood pressure. This diet is capable of curing high blood pressure without any medication. It is so affective that one can notice visible difference in the BP within few weeks of starting this diet, reducing various health related risks.

In this diet it is advised to limit the amount of sodium consumption in your daily meals. Try to use less salt then what you would normally use in your cooking. Another way of reducing the use of sodium is to consume low sodium food. At first you may feel that the taste is different but give some time to your palate to adjust. This can prove to be a herculean task for many but once you master the art of including low sodium in your diet then it will be very beneficial for you in the long run.

Dash diet is of two types:

  • Standard DASH diet – Consumption of up to 2,300 milligrams (mg) of sodium per day is allowed.
  • Low Sodium DASH diet – Maximum level of consumption of sodium allowed per day is 1,500 mg.

Both these diets have a common aim of lowering the amount of sodium in the body.

The main focus of this diet is to give the body proper nutrients that can reduce the risk of blood pressure. It encourages the consumption of food rich in calcium, protein, fiber, potassium and magnesium. Vegetables, wide range of fruits, controlled amount of fish, nuts, poultry, legumes, low fat dairy products and whole grains are part of dash diet.

People who are following this diet need to keep their distance from fatty meats, whole milk butter, cheese, cream and eggs, along with food items prepared from palm and coconut oil as they contain saturated fats. Fat content can be kept low in grain by not adding cheese, butter or cream to it.

Keep on experimenting with your food and try to include as much fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible. You can increase or decrease the amount of fruits or vegetables as per your nutritional requirements of the day. Vegetables can be substituted in place of meat whenever necessary. You can munch on an apple or have other fruits to satisfy your hunger pangs. Fruits can also be eaten after having a meal. Don’t peel fruits like apple and pear as they contain fiber and many healthy nutrients. If you are on medication then certain fruits may react to that medication. In such scenarios it is advisable to consult the doctor.

People who are lactose intolerant can choose lactose free products or they can opt for other substitutes. To reduce the amount of calories in your diet try to bake, grill or roast instead of frying the food. If you are using bread then look for the one that has 100% whole grain or 100% whole wheat content.

It is widely believed that nuts have fat content but many people don’t know that they actually contain healthy fat- monounsaturated fat and omega-3 fatty acids. Therefore, eating nuts in moderation is actually good for you. Healthy fats are important for body as it absorbs essential vitamins and maintain body’s immune system. But be aware of using excess fat as it can increase your risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes.

The DASH diet tries to strike a healthy balance between body’s requirements and the food items consumed.

What to Eat?

Dash Diet consists of a healthy mix of fruits, veggies, fats and oils, grains, dairy products as well as legumes, seeds and nuts. In order to shed extra kilos proper diet needs to be followed. The following table shows the adequate amount of food intake for a person following dash diet.

Food Items


Grains (bread, rice, pasta and cereal)

6 – 8 per day

Vegetables (fiber and vitamin rich sweet potato, broccoli, carrots, tomatoes)

4 – 5 per day

Dairy (low fat or fat free cheese, yogurt, milk)

2 – 3 per day

Fruits (apple, pear, banana)

4 – 5 per day

Fats and oils

2 – 3 per day

Poultry, fish or lean meat

6 one ounce serving per day

Legumes, seeds and nuts (peanuts, almonds, beans, peas, lentils, sunflower seeds and pistachios)

4-5 per week


  • Besides lowering blood pressure, this diet prevents diabetes and osteoporosis
  • This diet is not specifically for weight loss but still it helps in shedding extra kilos.
  • This diet is rich in antioxidants which are believed to prevent or slow down the development of several chronic health problems, such as cancer, heart disease and stroke.
  • Legumes, seeds and nuts are good source of fiber, phytochemicals and other important nutrients which can prevent cardiovascular diseases.

Foods to Avoid

  • Avoid consumption of alcohol as too much alcohol can increase BP.
  • Limit the intake of carbonated drinks, sweets and red meat.
  • Processed food has high amount of sodium content. Therefore, try to avoid it as much as you can.
  • Stay away from ready-to-eat cereals, low-fat soups and canned vegetables or look for the one with low or no salt content.
  • Avoid foods that are high in trans fat, cholesterol and saturated fat.

Methods to cut back on sodium

Low sodium foods are the basis of Dash diet. So it becomes necessary to reduce the consumption of sodium. One method is to lower the amount of sodium in your meals. Other methods include:

  • Replacing sodium-free spices with salt
  • No additional use of salt while cooking rice, hot cereal or pasta
  • Rinsing canned foods to remove some of the sodium
  • Boycotting processed foods having high sodium content


It is not easy to change the bad eating habits which we have acquired over the years. One cannot change one’s habits in a day. Even our body needs time to get accustomed to the changes. Try to gradually increase the intake of veggies and fruits in your diet. If you are having fruits and vegetables once or twice a day then try to increase it to three to four times a day by including it in your lunch and dinner.

Similarly, gradually increase the intake of grains and other foods. Sudden increase of fruits, vegetables and whole grains in the diet can result in bloating or diarrhea that may occur if you are not accustomed to eating a diet with lots of fiber. The amount of food intake will also depend on whether the person dieting is a man or woman, their age, and how physically active they are.

Keep one thing mind that healthy eating habits are inculcated over time. One cannot achieve a healthy body in a day. It is a work in progress. What matters is that you include healthy foods in your diet and follow the diet religiously.

Whole30 Diet

In the past decade the awareness among people about various healthy related problems has increased. It is found that major health related issues have their roots in obesity. As a result, people are investing in themselves and trying to attain a healthy body so that they can lead a healthy and disease free life. Different diets have different purpose. Whole30 diet’s purpose is to help people understand and maintain a healthy relationship with the food they eat.

Whole30 as is indicated by its name is a 30 day diet plan where focus is on clean eating and cutting down on unhealthy foods. Though this diet helps to lose weight, the main aim of whole30 diet is not to lose weight but to help you understand your body and how the food you eat affects it. Avoiding certain foods for 30 days and then gradually reinstating them in your diet will help you decide which food works best for you. Some foods which are good for one person may not be that affective for others. Once this diet is completed you can decide what to include in your meals and what to avoid.

You have to say no to grains, dairy, sugar, legumes and alcohol.

Vegetables, fruits, natural fats, seafood, meat, eggs, oils, nut and seeds and herbs and spices are part of this diet pattern. It can be utterly difficult to follow this diet as you have to part ways with some of your favourite foods.

Various vegetables like cherry tomatoes, sweet potato, baby spinach, zucchini, asparagus, yams and celery root can be used to make whole30 friendly recipes. Keep on experimenting with these vegetables. You can even add eggs, avocado, spices and fresh herb so that you can eat healthy as well as satisfy your taste buds.

Fruits, in moderation, are allowed in this diet. You can make fruit juice part of your meals. If you buy packaged one then make sure that no added sugar is there. Never forget that you are trying to limit your sugar consumption during the 30 day.

Fish, shellfish and eggs are also a good option for people following whole30 diet. You can boil, fry or scramble eggs according to your preference.

To satisfy you hunger pangs you can snack on all nuts except peanuts. Keep them handy so that you can munch on them whenever you want.

Many oils are not part of this type of diet but olive oil and coconut oil can be used for cooking purposes. Even ghee, which is a type of clarified butter, is allowed.

Good news for all the coffee lovers is that they can have coffee while bad news is that they have to drink that without milk and sugar.

Most beans are not part of this diet but there are some exceptions like sugar snap peas, and snow peas.

Varieties of vinegar like apple cider, white, balsamic, red wine and rice are allowed in Whole30 program.

Foods to Avoid

  • Sugar, natural/artificial sweeteners – Honey, date syrup and all those items that contain added sugar.
  • Beans and legumes – Chickpeas, peas, peanuts and lentils. This also includes all forms of beans whether they are fava, black, pinto, red, kidney, white or lima.
  • Consumption of alcohol – Even small amount of alcohol is prohibited.
  • Grains – Millet, rice, corn, wheat, rye, barley and oats. Other cereals like quinoa, amaranth and buckwheat.
  • Soy – Tofu, soya sauce and other soy products.
  • Dairy products –Milk, cream, ice cream, cheese and yogurt. The only exception being ghee.
  • Processed additives – MSG, carrageenan and sulfites.
  • Junk food – avoid all kind of junk food like burger, noodles, etc.

Do not Cheat

  • What makes this diet different from other diets is that it does not stress on counting and measuring the calories which you are consuming. You do need to restrict yourself to a certain number of calories. During the duration of 30 days when you are following this diet your main focus should be on sticking   to your diet without any slip up.Consistency is very important in this diet. If you want this diet to work and see accurately how your body reacts in the absence of potentially problematic foods then you have to become consistent. You have to follow the diet no matter what. If you have a slice of pizza in between or a bite of burger then you will come back to square one. In this case, you should start over again from day 1.There are no cheat meal days in this diet program so prepare yourself beforehand for it. You cannot give in to your temptations even for a single day.

    You need to give full commitment to this diet program in order to see positive results. If there is no devotion and dedication then you won’t be able to see any results. This is not a diet plan for 2-3 months. It is just 30 days. Give these 30 days to your health and enjoy the benefits for your whole life.

    It can seem to be a daunting task. Take support from your family and friends. It is seen that people are more determined when they are following this diet with someone. If two or more people are on this diet then they can encourage each other during their moment of weakness. Ask your partner or your friends for being your companion in this thirty day journey and never shy away from asking for help. If you are alone then keep on motivating yourself. Don’t let your excuses be bigger than your health goals.


  • Do not give up to temptations. There will come a time when you will find quitting the diet much easier than following it. It is always difficult to change a habit. You just need to remind yourself that everything will be worth it. You should prepare your meal plan in advance. This will stop you from eating unhealthy food while on the diet. If followed properly, whole30 diet is very beneficial.This diet is not solely for the weight loss. You may feel the changes within your body while you are on this diet. The digestive system of your body will drastically improve. There are other benefits of this diet which are:
    • Gives glow to your skin and makes it flawless
    • Helpful in weight reduction
    • Boosts the energy level of the body
    • Improves the health conditions
    • Gives you better sleep
    • No more cravings
    • Improvement in chronic pain, anxiety and skin problems

    30 days is not a long time so have this experience. Complete the diet and then you will notice not only physical changes but changes within your body as well. Once you identify the problematic foods, which were earlier part of your diet, you can eliminate them and include those foods in your diet that are good for you.

The Mediterranean Diets


Mediterranean diet was first defined by Ancel Keys as having low saturated fat and high vegetable oils. It is a manner of eating based on a healthy concoction of traditional flavors and cooking styles of countries like Spain, Greece and Italy that are bordering the Mediterranean Sea. This diet was prevalent during the 1960s before globalization had its effect on the lifestyle as well as the eating habits of people. But now people have again shown interest in this diet because of its many benefits.

While Mediterranean diet does not have a single definition because it consists of different things in different Mediterranean countries, it generally consists of fruits, whole grains, vegetables, seeds, nut and olive oil. Fresh, seasonal and locally grown foods are used in this diet.

This diet plan is the easiest diet plan to follow in long run because it is extremely flexible and does not burn a hole in your pocket. It gives you the option of choosing staple ingredients without depending on imported dietary products. It does not matter where you are living because the food components of the diet consist of easily available, native foods.

Its Components

This diet has numerous health benefits and that is due to the fact that it has a right combination of food where all the nutrients are balanced.

In the Mediterranean diet, there are foods which should be consumed in high, moderate and lower amount. These make the components of the diet. These components include:

  • High consumption – monounsaturated fats from virgin olive oil, traditionally cooked vegetables, nuts, fruits, legumes, whole grains and cereals.
  • Moderate consumption – fish, shellfish, alcohol and dairy products (cheese and yogurt).
  • Low consumption – saturated fat, red meat and sweets.

Usually, the meal is followed by a glass of red wine but one should drink wine in moderation. This diet plan becomes all the more affective if it is accompanied by physical activities. If the body is active then the chances of burning excess calories will increase.

This diet is rich in antioxidant compounds and bioactive elements with anti-inflammatory properties which help in meeting nutritional requirements, maintaining a healthy body weight and reducing the risk of many health related problems.

The following tips can be helpful if someone is following Mediterranean diet:

  • Choose whole grains.Switch to whole-grain bread, pasta and cereal.
  • Add fruits and vegetables in your diet.Keep a target of having 7 to 10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day. You can add apple, banana, grapes and blueberries in your diet.
  • Reduce red meat.Substitute it with fish, poultry or beans.
  • Include dairy products.Eat cheese and yogurt.
  • Utilize healthy fats.Try olive oil as an alternative to butter or other oils when cooking.
  • Consume more seafood. Make it a point to eat fish twice a week but avoid deep-frying it.
  • Add Spice to life.Herbs and spices like cilantro, pepper and cinnamon can boost the flavor of any dish.
  • Eat salads. Add tomatoes, olives, cucumber to your salad.


It is a delicious and healthy way of eating. Many people who adopt this style of eating say that they are not going back to their older eating habits.  The Mediterranean Diet is gaining popularity because people are becoming aware of healthy eating patterns.

What to Avoid?

People following the Mediterranean Diet need to steer clear of certain food items like white pasta, white bread, oils other than olive oil, sweets, candies, cakes, pies and pastries. Packed and processed food should also be avoided. Foods which are considered healthy like quinoa, flaxseed oil, soya, etc do not come under this diet.

Why say yes to the Mediterranean Diet?

People began to show interest in this diet in the 1960s when it was observed that there were fewer deaths related to heat diseases in the Mediterranean countries like Italy, Greece and Spain as compared to other countries of the world. On further research it was found that the Mediterranean diet is responsible for reduced risk factors of cardiovascular disease.

The diet is recognized by the World Health Organization as a healthy and sustainable dietary model.

Fruits, vegetables, herbs, whole grains, nuts and beans lay the foundation of the Mediterranean diet. Meals are planned by keeping these plant-based foods in the center. Seafood as well as moderate amounts of dairy products are also central to this diet. Contrary to popular beliefs, red meat is consumed only occasionally.

Healthy fats are an important part of the Mediterranean diet. Intake of healthy fats is higher as compared to less healthy fats like saturated and trans fats, which may led to the development of many heart diseases.

Olive oil is the main source of added fat in the Mediterranean diet. Olive oil provides monounsaturated fat, which has been found to lower total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels. Oliver oil is the perfect substitute to the oil which you were using previously.

Another significant component of the Mediterranean diet is fish. Fatty fish like mackerel, salmon herring, lake trout, sardines and albacore tuna contain high amount of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of polyunsaturated fat that may lower inflammation in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids also help decrease triglycerides, reduce blood clotting, and decrease the chances of stroke and heart failure.

Other benefits of the Mediterranean Diet:

  • It can lower or even prevent the development of cardiovascular disease, depression, asthma, type 2 diabetes, colorectal cancer and breast cancer.
  • It helps in managing weight and improving health.
  • Mediterranean diet is effective in preventing and controlling diet-related non-communicable diseases (NCDs)
  • It improves the endothelial function and blood pressure.
  • It has a low environmental impact and promotes the bio-diversity which ensures a healthy future for the next generations.


In a nutshell, it can be said that the Mediterranean Diet encourages the use of olive oil for all types of cooking, high consumption of monounsaturated fats, vegetables, nuts, fresh fruits, legumes, whole grains and cereals. It also suggests moderate consumption of fish, shellfish, alcohol, cheese and yogurt and low or no consumption of saturated fats, red meat, milk, butter, biscuits, sweets and cakes. Substitute your usual dessert of ice-creams, sweets, pies and cakes with fresh fruits.

Apart from being a sustainable diet at an individual level, it is also sustainable for our environment. Mediterranean diet is well suited for a healthy lifestyle. It is good for the general health of the public as well as for the economy. This diet plan contributes to food security and a    healthy life for the present and future generations. This is due to the fact that this diet is mainly a plant-based diet which suggests smaller water consumption and energy footprint as well as less use of land and fewer greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to other dietary plans which are in vogue.

If you’re looking for a diet plan that keeps your heart healthy then Mediterranean diet might be the perfect option for you.

Endomorph Diet


Have a look around you and take some time to observe everybody. You may find that some people have similar body types. This is because there are three major body types- mesomorphs, ectomorphs and endomorphs. The diet plans and exercising methods to attain a healthy body are different for all these body types.

People having ectomorphic body type have higher metabolism. This means that they won’t gain much weight even if they eat more. These people possess a smaller body type and a narrower frame.

On the other hand, the mesomorphs lie somewhere between ectomorphs and endomorphs. These people may have a larger skeletal frame but they have lower percentage of fat in their body. It is mostly easier for them to gain muscles or lose weight.

Out of the three, people with endomorphic bodies find it more difficult to lose weight.  Generally, they have a larger bone structure and a slower metabolism because of which they store fat easily. Even when they follow a similar diet as another body type, they will tend to hold on to more excess fat. Workout plans which work better on others may not yield the same results in them. Thus, they may need to understand their body type better and monitor what, when and how much they eat more carefully.

Characteristics of Endomorphs

People with endomorphic body type primarily have a wider waist with larger bone structure, joints and hips irrespective of their height. They are not necessarily obese but their bodies store more fat in comparison to other body types. They possess more body strength but get tired very easily.

In males the weight usually gets accumulated in the belly and around lower abdomen while in females it is stored in hips and thighs instead of being evenly distributed throughout the body. This uneven distribution of fat makes it a bit harder for them to lose weight but they tend to gain weight easily.

These people are carbohydrate and insulin sensitive to some extent. Foods with high-carbohydrate are instantly converted to sugar into the bloodstream. This causes blood sugar to spike and dip. In this situation these sugars are more likely to be stored in the form of fat than be burned down as energy, resulting in higher body-fat percentage. This puts them at a substantial risk of developing different forms of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, infertility, hypertension and depression.

If you have this kind of body type then you may think that you are bound to struggle your whole life to lose weight. But it is a proven fact that with correct training method and right nutrition program you can achieve your fitness goals. In fact, a diet is specifically made for people who have endomorphic body called endomorph diet.

What is Endomorph Diet?

As an endomorphic person, you will have to pay heed to whatever you consume. Almost 80% of the weight loss results come from right diet and the rest from exercise. This doesn’t mean that you have to follow rigorous diet but you should be in tune with your body and know its requirements. Then follow a diet accordingly. Endomorph diet is one such diet which is prepared for this specific body type.

As endomorphs tend to be carbohydrate and insulin sensitive, the best nutrition plan for them is the one which focuses on an even distribution of macronutrients where carbohydrates come mostly from vegetables and smaller amounts of unrefined, high-fiber starches, like quinoa, oats, brown rice, amaranth and vegetables. Fruits can also be added in the diet plan but if you are carbohydrate sensitive then it is advised to eat fruits in moderation.

All these food items are readily available in the market and can be included in the menu. Also, make it a point to keep your protein intake high throughout the day. While you go for grocery shopping stay away from aisles of bread, cereal and cookies. In your daily meal, aim for a nutrient distribution of 30 percent carbs, 35 percent protein and 35 percent fat. This diet will not only help you lose body fat but will keep your energy level up.

Foods having simple carbohydrates are high in sugar and calories, which can end up storing fat. Therefore, limit your intake of such carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, sugar, pasta, cakes, and cookies.

The endomorphs have a bigger appetite so the control on excess eating is also important when reducing body fat as an endomorph. This will help you in avoiding excess calorie consumption. Eating 200 to 500 fewer calories than what you normally consume will also help you reach your desired weight loss goal.

If you only focus on dieting alone then that may not be enough to lose weight. Include physical activity into your daily routine, which is a common recommendation for anyone looking to improve health.

What to Eat?

Most of the times, people with endomorphic body may benefit from a nutrition plan that creates a balance between healthful fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from fruits, vegetables, and unrefined, high fiber foods. Examples of foods that are rich in protein and fats include:

  • Low fat dairy products – low fat milk, yogurt and cheeses
  • Poultry –  chicken and turkey
  • Non tropical nuts – almonds, hazelnuts, and walnuts
  • Non tropical cooking oils –  olive, canola, and avocado oil
  • Eggs – especially egg whites
  • Fish – especially fatty fish

Examples of carbohydrates that are fit for endomorphs include:

  • Fruits –  All except melons and pineapple
  • Few Starchy vegetables –  carrots, sweet potatoes, yams and corn
  • Some unrefined starchy vegetables – quinoa and amaranth
  • Dried beans and legumes – kidney beans, lentils, and chickpeas
  • Non-starchy vegetables –  broccoli, celery and cauliflower

What to Avoid?

As it is already established that endomorphs gain weight more easily in comparison to other body types so it is advisable to keep an eye on whatever you eat. Some food items need to be avoided or at least their consumption should be limited. Examples of such foods include:

  • Chocolates, candies and other sweets
  • Baked goods and cakes
  • Processed or fried foods
  • Pasta, white bread, bagels and white rice
  • Alcoholic drinks
  • Dairy products including whipped cream, cream, and ice cream
  • Red meats
  • Sodium rich foods
  • Energy drinks, sports drinks and soft drinks
  • Refined cereals, like bran flakes, instant oatmeal and puffed rice
  • Cooking oils having a lot of saturated fat, such as palm oil or coconut oil


  • It helps people with endomorphic body type to lose weight.
  • Endomorph diet helps the fight against diabetes.
  • If excess fat is accumulated on your hips, thighs and buttocks then you likely have fewer risk factors for metabolic disease compared with someone who has different body type.
  • It may help you adopt a healthy eating pattern. This will improve insulin sensitivity and you will lose fat (particularly visceral fat).


Losing weight can seem like a lost battle for people with endomorphic body. But if they understand their individual body type as well as the unique challenges faced by endomorphs then losing weight becomes much easier.

People having endomorph body type tend to gain weight easily and take longer to lose it because they have a slow metabolism, low muscle mass, and high amounts of body fat. Therefore, their diet plans usually focus on avoiding or lowering the intake of refined carbohydrates and eating a mix of healthful fats, proteins, and carbohydrates from vegetables, nuts, fruits, and whole-grain foods.

Most endomorph diet plans also involve doing regular cardiovascular and strength exercises to burn calories, boost metabolism and build lean body. Don’t forget to monitor what you eat and avoid overeating. These are all the healthy habits advised to most endomorphs. Sticking with this routine may help you shed excess kilos.

Choosing endomorph diet is a step towards healthy lifestyle. Once you meet your weight loss goals don’t mean that you have to abandon this diet. Make this diet a part of your lifestyle so that you don’t regain the weight again.

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