Renal Failure Diet Plan


Renal Failure Diet Plan

Patients having a compromised kidney function must stick to a kidney diet so that they can cut down on the amount of waste in the blood. The food and liquid we consume is the source of this waste. In people with renal problems, kidneys cannot remove the waste properly. The compromised function leads to waste accumulation in blood as a result of which the electrolyte level in the body gets affected.

You must take a regulated and medically correct diet in case of a renal problem. Our Renal Dietitians at Healthviser design a diet for you that is low in sodium, potassium, protein and phosphorus. Your Healthviser also takes care that you get a customized diet as per the body’s requirements.

Important Facts on Kidney Disease

  • The diagnosis of kidney disease is done after biopsy, kidneys and blood tests.
  • The general symptoms include high blood pressure, fatigue and blood in the urine. The other symptoms are anemia, panting, loss of appetite, lower mental awareness, muscle cramps, protein in the urine, and change in body weight.
  • Chronic kidney failure is a progressive long term disease while acute failure means the sudden development of kidney disease.
  • If you have a family history of kidney disease or are prone to this condition, then get your kidneys checked regularly.
  • If one kidney gets affected, the other kidney carries out its function.
  • Early detection is instrumental in preventing kidney damage.

Other Risk Factors

Conditions like diabetes, bladder obstruction, congenital kidney disease, stress and hypertension make you prone to kidney disease. Certain medications also increase the risk of kidney disease.

How It Works?

  • We design a diet for enhancing your kidney function. You need to take high-quality protein with a limited intake of fluids. Some patients also need to limit calcium and potassium intake.
  • As every patient is different, therefore, our renal dietitians work with a special plan to make sure that they design a diet plan unique for each patient’s needs.
  • We also get a sneak peek into your kitchen and then suggest a diet plan which is easier for you to prepare.
  • We schedule weekly feedback to find out how the diet is working for you and if you need any changes.

What To Expect?

The diet requirement for both male and female clients differ. With our diet plan, we help you to gain muscles much faster and look stronger.

At Healthviser, we’re there for you at each step to help you overcome this health crisis making things most comfortable for you!

Did you know breast cancer is the commonest cancer in India? Facts highlight that 1 in 8 women die of breast cancer in India. You need to get regular checkups and get a specialized diet plan helping you to counter the problem.

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